Contact Us
We provide you & your pet with convenient trustworthy experienced professional dependable enjoyable petcare, 365 days a year!
e currently provide three services for your pets - dog walking, pet sitting & home boarding. We feel we offer quality reliable services for reasonable, straight forward prices. Below you can find our updated basic pricing structure for all our services. If you require any further details or require a quote for custom services or something that isn't listed here, then please do get in contact with us and we will gladly discuss your options!Below is our simplified pricing structure for our dog walks, whether individual, group or local. Do get in touch with us for custom enquiries.
✓ You can book by day, weekly or monthlyˆ ✓ Bookings are made on a first come basis ✓ Discounts for subsequent family dogs ✓ Regular clients/bookings are given priority ✓ Advance monthly bookings are preferred ✓ All booking will be confirmed by email ✓ Bookings are to paid in advance.. ✓ We bill & invoice via Revolut/Paypal =) You can read more about our dog walking services here. |
Below is our simplified pricing structure for all pet sitting, whether one or two visits per day. Do get in touch with us for custom enquiries.
✓ Advisable to book early ✓ Bank holidays incur an extra 50% charge ✓ All bookings will be confirmed by email ✓ 50% booking price required as deposit* ✓ We bill & invoice via Revolut/Paypal =) You can read more about the benefits of our pet sitting services here. |
Below is our pricing structure for all home boarding from 2021. Prices are based on per day/night stay with a reduction on the day of departure. Do get in touch with us for custom enquiries.
✓ Advisable to book early - especially holidays ✓ Discounts for subsequent family dogs ✓ Bank holidays incur an extra 50% charge ✓ All bookings will be confirmed by email ✓ 50% booking price required as deposit† ✓ We bill & invoice via Revolut/Paypal =) This is our pricing details, but you can get more details about our home boarding services here. |
ˆ Monthly bookings refers to any consecutive four week booking period. Discounts are also given on subsequent family dogs. First bookings to be paid in advance. Day & weekly bookings are charged at a standard e20 per walk rate.
* Two visits per day refers to both a morning & afternoon visit being booking for the same day. Bank holiday bookings will incur an additional 50% charge for the bank holiday. 50% of the booking price is payable upon booking as a holding deposit; this is non-refundable if bookings are cancelled. The remaining 50% is due at the start of service. Regular pet sitting clients do not have to pay a deposit upon making a booking.
† Price is based per day or part thereof. Price is reduced by e5.00 on day of departure if before 5PM; Bank holiday bookings will incur an additional 50% charge for the bank holiday. Discounts are also given on subsequent family dogs. We board a maximum of two dogs at any one time. 50% of the booking price is payable upon booking as a holding deposit; this is non-refundable if booking is cancelled. The remaining 50% is due at the start of service. Regular home boarding clients do not have to pay a deposit upon making a booking.
We have the pleasure of getting to spend our days with some of the best dogs & fabulous felines in the world – though don’t let Ollie, Penny or Charlie hear that! We’d like to introduce some of our gang! View their weekly adventures via their hashtags on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram - let's meet the gang! Read More… |
We aim to provide our clients with a petcare service that is always available, professional & trustworthy and can give your pets the next best thing - other than you - when you're away from them for whatever reason. Whether it be work, family events or holidays we can step in and help. Read More & meet our team here. |
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